We have three dogs - Snoopy, Lacey and Bentley.
Bear Mountain
Here is a picture of the whole family on Bear Mountain in northwest Connecticut in the summer of 2007.

Snoopy and Lacey in their Younger Years

- Snoopy was born in 1995, so he has been with me for a long time. I now refer to him as my old man. His age is getting the best of him. His bladder isn't as strong as it used to be and he prefers to walk back with Todd and I instead of sprinting ahead with the other two when we go hiking.
- Lacey is getting up there in age also. She was born in 1999. She is momma's little girl and my faithful running partner. Lacey can still go about four to five miles with no problems. I am trying to take it easy on her, so we mostly run on soft surfaces anymore.
Bentley and Shrek

- Bentley is a relatively new addition to our family. He was a rescue dog we brought home from North Carolina and the great nephew of Todd's previous dog Asta. He is mommy's little puff of fluff. This picture captures Bentley punishing Shrek. All his friends must be punished!